Streamlining Studies is Goal of Shared Investigator Platform

As clinical trials continue to grow in complexity, take longer to initiate, and suffer from patient under-enrollment, more and more clinical research stakeholders are honing in on the advantages offered by the Shared Investigator Platform (SIP), which aims to increase trial efficiencies for sponsors and sites. Educating attendees of ACRP 2019 in Nashville about the SIP on Friday (April 12) in the annual event’s first-ever lineup of techXpo presentations was Larissa Comis, product lead for the SIP with Cognizant. For attendees who were new to the topic, she explained that the SIP is a clinical operations technology platform created to eliminate duplicative work and harmonize processes to streamline how sponsors choose sites for their studies, and how sites report their capabilities and study results to sponsors. Sites tied into the SIP fill out a user profile, a facility profile, and an organization profile. “Once these profiles are established, the efficiency … Continue reading Streamlining Studies is Goal of Shared Investigator Platform