The Association of Clinical Research Professionals

ACRP is creating connection through community. Check out the ACRP calendar below to see what’s happening online and near you, including upcoming webinars, conferences, local chapter events, and certification deadlines.

Webinar—Investigational Drug Services Pharmacists: What They Wish You Knew

The Investigational Drug Services (IDS) Pharmacy is not intended to be an impediment to the smooth running of a clinical trial. However, they might see things through a different lens. This presentation will provide insight to the thoughts of an IDS pharmacist. This "inside information" could be quite valuable during site visits and while developing the project itself.

Webinar—How do IRBs Review Virtual Trial Technology?

Sponsors and investigators are increasingly incorporating mobile medical applications and other virtual trial technologies into their research. Join us for a discussion to better understand the regulations and how the oversight of virtual trials might differ from what they have traditionally been used to.