Here's your first ACRP Certification Newsletter of 2017. Read on for your free contact hour and more.
This Issue’s Free Contact Hour
We are pleased to offer you a complimentary online activity worth one (1) free research point per newsletter. You can choose the session you want to view from the entire 2016 Global Conference & Exhibition Library. A promotional coupon can be used at checkout. Once you have viewed the session and completed the evaluation, your point will be added to your ACRP contact history within 24 hours.
- Go to www.prolibraries.com/acrp
- Log in with your ACRP user name (e-mail address) & password
- Click on either the ACRP 2016 Global Conference & Exhibition
- Click on ‘Browse Sessions’
- Identify which session you wish to view
- Click ‘Purchase’ and then click ‘View Cart’
- Enter the Promotional Coupon: MAR2017 and click ‘Apply’ and then ‘Checkout.
- Click ‘My Library’ on left hand side and select from the 2016 Conference
- View the session and complete the ‘Session Evaluation’ to have the hour automatically added to your ACRP record.
Message from the Academy Chair
What has ACRP Certification meant to me? I thought this question would be an appropriate place to start my communication to you as the incoming Chair of the Academy Board of Trustees.
I began my journey with ACRP approximately 16 years ago! I had been working in the industry for many years and had finally joined a “big pharma†company, when my boss said that I should get my certification.
At that time, being relatively certification naïve, I was not entirely sure what that involved or what it would mean to me long term. However, short term, it seemed to be a requirement for my next promotion. A colleague and I decided that we should pursue this “exclusive†certification. We sent in our applications to ACRP, studied and then studied some more as we knew there was no option for failure. Back in those days we had to fly to another province to take the exam and then had to wait a painful 6 weeks to get our results! Happily, we both passed and then over a short period we were both recognized in our workplace with promotions.
The next step in the journey was to maintain my certification. I proceeded to take an Item Writer’s course at the following annual ACRP conference to earn continuing education credits. This was the beginning of my volunteerism journey with ACRP. Once I completed the training to write items (exam questions) and I submitted assignments for a couple of years, I was asked to join the CCRA Exam Committee. After several years on the CCRA Exam Committee, I eventually became Chair. Over the course of my service on the committee, I saw the certification exam move away from a strictly FDA focus to a more global ICH perspective, from paper and pencil to computer based testing and best of all, results given at the exam center immediately following the exam as opposed to waiting 6 weeks to get the results by mail! Once my service on the Exam Committee concluded, I had the good fortune to be nominated to the Academy Board of Trustees. This year, 2017, marks the beginning of my chairmanship of the Academy Board.
Over my years of involvement, I have made valuable personal and professional friendships and have grown, through maintaining my certification, in both relevant experience and professional development. I’ve had the support of my employer every step of the way and am now in a management position. When hiring new CRAs I ensure that certification is high on my list of priorities when looking at potential candidates. I have learned first-hand what is involved with the development of the certification exam and have in depth knowledge of the rigor that is exercised in the creation of an exam form. I have a deep understanding and total respect for the level of professional standards that one must meet to become certified and then maintain that certification.
Now that I sit on the Academy Board of Trustees, which is the governing body for the certification programs, I have new insight into the strategic planning that goes on in terms of ensuring our program is provided with the “state of the artâ€, “latest and greatest†certification products and programs. In 2016, ACRP and the Academy introduced a new logo and philosophy, “For Learning. For Listening. For Life.†For those of us who are perhaps further into our careers or for those just starting out in clinical research, I think that this is a philosophy that hits home with all of us. ACRP and the Academy are there to provide learning opportunities, listen to its members and to their needs as well as to be a lifelong partner with our members as we continue our careers in clinical research and ultimately better the lives of patients.
So back to my original question, what has certification meant to me? Certification has enabled me to excel in a career that I love, it has provided me with exceptional professional development opportunities and above all it shows the rest of the clinical research community that I have met “the bar†so to speak, in terms of meeting the highest standards for the conduct of clinical research. I have learned through my journey with ACRP and ACRP has listened to my needs. I am in this career for life! This year I celebrate my 15-year milestone as a CCRA and could not be more proud!
I look forward to meeting many of you at the ACRP Meeting and Expo being held in Seattle, Washington April 28 – May.
Kelly M. Cairns, MA, B.A.Sc., CCRA, APMR
Bring Item Writing Training to Your Chapter
Be the next ACRP chapter to hold this exclusive training. Coordinated by ACRP and facilitated by ACRP’s test development partner, Prometric, this is an opportunity for your chapter to sponsor an item writing training workshop and an opportunity for your members to learn how to write exam questions (also known as “itemsâ€) as a volunteer subject matter expert. Once trained, they will be invited to join the community of 100+ writer who contribute content for the ACRP Certification Exams while staying sharp on GCPs. This is also an opportunity for members to give back to the clinical research community while earning continuing education points toward your ACRP Certification.
Chapters will sponsor meeting facilities, breakfast, and lunch. ACRP will provide registration link, travel and hotel for staff and Prometric Trainer. To learn more about sponsoring an item writing training contact Heather Trusty, ACRP Certification Manager, at htrusty@acrpnet.org.
Digital Badging – Have You Claimed Yours Yet?
ACRP Digital Badging Credentials are portable, verifiable, and prevent unauthorized reproductions of the CCRA, CCRC, and CPI certification designation.
Digital Badging is the easiest way to promote and communicate the value of your certification to a global network of peers and employers via email and on social media sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+, and Twitter.
Certification Activities at the ACRP Meeting & Expo
During the ACRP Meeting & Expo, the Academy is hosting some exciting events for all certificants. Here is a summary of events for you to consider or recommend for a friend. The conference is also a great opportunity to meet other certified individuals and discover ways to contribute within your Certification program.
Item Writers Training Workshop
Friday, April 28, 2017 / 8am – 12pm
Open exclusively to Academy Certified professionals. Item writing (i.e. exam question writing) is a science and an essential component to the ongoing validity of the Academy’s Certification Exams. This interactive workshop promotes a full understanding of the science of writing sound, high quality exam questions. Attendance is free but pre-registration is required. Please RSVP to this event. Breakfast will be served starting at 7am.
Item Writing Workshops
Friday, April 28, 2017 / 1pm – 5pm
Saturday, April 29, 2017 / 8am – 5pm
All trained, current Item Writers have been invited to write items for the Academy exams during this pre-conference workshop with in-person support from Exam Committee members. This is an opportunity to write with personalized support from Exam Committee members. Pre-registration is required. Item writers will receive a personal invitation. Should you have any questions, please contact Heather Trusty at htrusty@acrpnet.org.
Certification Milestone Recognition Ceremony
Saturday, April 29, 2017 / 7pm – 9pm
If you are one of the 1,800 certificants who have reached a 5, 10, 15, or 20 – year Certification milestone in 2016, you have been invited to attend and be honored during this special evening hosted by the Academy of Clinical Research Professionals Board of Trustees. This event is by invitation only. Contact Giovanna Lancaster, Certification Specialist, if you reached a Certification milestone in 2016 but have not yet received an invitation at glancaster@acrpnet.org. A milestone lapel pin will be mailed later this month to your address. A special thank you goes to our sponsor, INC Research.
Certification Information Session
Saturday, April 29 / 1:15pm – 2:15pm
As you know, becoming certified is a big personal and professional step. This session will help understand the path to certification. If you have any colleagues interested in becoming certified, this session that will provide an overview of the three Academy certification programs as well as the steps one should take in pursuing certification- becoming eligible, applying, preparing, and testing.
Maintenance Information Session
Sunday, April 30, 2017 / 1:15pm – 2:15pm
Get familiar with the current requirements to maintain your Certification. Learn about expanded Continuing Involvement and Professional Development opportunities that will enhance your professional transcript while simplifying the Maintenance of Certification application process.
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