Share your expertise and real-world challenges to improve how trials are conducted for the benefit of everyone.
Participate!What are the requirements to volunteer?
All volunteers for the ACRP Board of Trustees or an ACRP Committee (Content, Ethics or Nominating) must be active members in good standing with the Association. Certificants of the Academy are not eligible to volunteer with ACRP unless they are also members of ACRP.
All volunteers for the Academy Board of Trustees or an Academy Committee (CCRA, CCRC, CPI, and ACRP-CP Certification Exam Committees or Academy Nominating Committee) must be currently certified by and in good standing with the Academy. ACRP members are not eligible for volunteer service with the Academy, unless they are also certified by the Academy.
How do I fill out a volunteer nominations application?
Nominations to volunteer are accepted through an online application which is available beginning May 1 each year. Check back to our Volunteer Nominations web page after that time to view the form and apply.
When are applications due?
All applications must be submitted no later than June 30 for ACRP and Academy Board of Trustees Nominations and September 15 for all Committee nominations. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Will interviews be conducted as a part of the application process?
Final candidates may be contacted for a phone interview, conducted by the Nominating Committee.
Phone interviews are not a part of the committee nominations process.
I do not live in the U.S. Can I still apply for service on a board or committee?
Yes, international members are encouraged to participate.
How is my nomination application reviewed?
Applications for committee service are reviewed by ACRP and Academy Board members and committee representatives; final appointments are made by Board vote. Individuals appointed to serve on a committee are notified prior to the start of their term. Terms of service generally start January 1.
Applications for the ACRP Board of Trustees and the Academy Board of Trustees are received and reviewed by the Nominating Committees of each organization. Each Nominating Committee develops and puts forth a slate of qualified candidates for consideration and approval by their Trustees. Individuals accepted to the slate of candidates for each Board are notified of their status and are put forth to the respective membership (ACRP members or Academy certificants) for final election in October. Candidates will be notified of the membership/certificant elections results by phone or email. Terms of service generally start January 1.
When will I be notified about my nomination status?
All committee applicants will be notified by email after the nomination applications have been reviewed and evaluated. Applicants will be notified of their nomination status by December.
All board applicants are notified of their nomination status by phone after the nomination applications have been reviewed and evaluated and the slate of candidates has been accepted by the applicable board of trustees, typically in September.
If I’m not selected to serve on a committee or board, what else can I do to get involved with ACRP/The Academy?
For more information, please refer to the ACRP Volunteer webpage.
What special skill set or expertise is required for service on the board?
Please see the Nominee Handbooks for each Board for more information on Board responsibilities and ACRP leadership.
How long are Board terms?
The term of office for an ACRP Trustee is (2) years and a maximum of (3) consecutive terms may be served. Terms are January 1 – December 31.
The term of office for an Academy Trustee is (3) years and a maximum of (2) consecutive terms may be served. Terms are January 1 – December 31.
What special skill set or expertise is required for service on a committee?
Each committee has varying skill requirements that are dependent on the focus of the committee. General committee skills include the following:
For more information, please refer to ACRP and Academy Committee Charters.
What are the primary expectations for serving on a committee?
ACRP committee members and members of the Academy Nominating Committee serve for a (2) year-term and may serve a maximum of (2) consecutive terms. Academy Exam Committee members serve for a (3)-year term and may serve a maximum of (2) consecutive terms. Committee members are expected to attend all committee calls, meetings (as applicable) and review meeting agendas and materials prior to the meeting.
Are board members required to join a committee?
ACRP and Academy Trustees should expect to serve on a board or non-board committee and/or working groups and task forces as the need arises. Committee members are recommended by the incoming chairs of the Board and are approved by vote of the full Board of Trustees.
Can I participate in more than one committee?
Yes, volunteers can serve on more than one committee at a time. Please remember to be mindful of the work and time commitment required for each committee when considering multiple committee service.
What are the committees?
ACRP Board Committees (Trustees only)
Executive Committee
Finance Committee
Governance Committee
ACRP Regular Committees
Professional Ethics Committee
Content Committee
Nominating Committee (ACRP)
Academy Committees
Global CCRA Certification Exam Committee
Global CCRC Certification Exam Committee
Global CPI Certification Exam Committee
Global ACRP-CP Certification Exam Committee
Nominating Committee (Academy)
Who can I contact with other questions?
If you have questions about serving on a Board of Trustees, committee, or supporting ACRP or the Academy in another volunteer capacity that is not addressed here, please contact us.