Share your expertise and real-world challenges to improve how trials are conducted for the benefit of everyone.
Writing an article for Clinical Researcher is an excellent way to boost your professional development, gain recognition, share important information about the latest developments in clinical research with fellow professionals around the world, and help ACRP maintain its role as the leading voice and information resource for clinical research professionals everywhere.
Anyone can write for Clinical Researcher. Subject matter experts serving as volunteer reviewers will consider any article, by anyone, on any subject pertinent to clinical research, anytime it is submitted. So start writing!
Please review Author Guidelines and Writing Tips, and then visit Editorial Manager to get started. Editorial Manager is the online peer-review system devoted to Clinical Researcher.
If you have any questions, Contact Us.
Tell your story to 14,000+ clinical research professionals with creative advertising opportunities in Clinical Researcher, ACRP’s flagship publication.
Each issue of Clinical Researcher offers continuing education credits through Home Study tests for ACRP Members’ professional development needs, and includes content for myriad facets of the clinical research enterprise.
The majority of the peer-reviewed articles focus on specific themes, and these scholarly articles and other informal columns are both solicited and accepted unsolicited from authors globally on topics that target the full range of the Members’ skill levels.
As of 2022, Clinical Researcher is published online six times per year (February, April, June, August, October, and December). Please contact Managing Editor Gary Cramer for information about the editorial calendar and how to submit articles and columns for consideration to appear in an upcoming issue.
Gary W. Cramer, Managing Editor since 2016, joined the ACRP staff in 2006 as an Editor/Writer and later was promoted to Associate Editor. A 1987 graduate of The Pennsylvania State University, he has also worked as a daily newspaper reporter in Lancaster, Pa., in public/media relations and donor communications for Penn State, and as a writer/editor for Landscape Architecture Magazine from the American Society of Landscape Architects. For ACRP, he serves as overseer of the peer review process and editor/publisher of all contents for Clinical Researcher; as writer/editor for blogs and the weekly Beat e-newsletter; and as general editor-on-call for marketing, public relations, training/development, and certification resources.