The Association of Clinical Research Professionals

Confused About DCTs? You’re Not Alone

Virtual? Remote? Siteless? No matter what you call them, Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCTs) are revolutionizing clinical research—but questions remain.

We’re here to help clear up the confusion and help you successfully navigate the ever-changing landscape.

Andrea Bastek of Florence Healthcare discusses what DCTs are—and aren’t—and why physical sites remain vitally important as part of a hybrid approach.

“It’s really difficult to deny some of the benefits and advantages that we’ve witnessed first hand over the last 18-24 months… Decentralized clinical trials will continue to stay.”

— R’Kes Starling, CEO & President of Reveles Clinical Services

Learn about the current outlook for decentralized clinical trials, adoption trends, and the benefits for patients.

“I do believe that we are going to be much more modern [and] non-traditional going forward—but where we land on that scale is yet to be seen.”

— Melissa Easy, VP, R&D Technologies, IQVIA

Learn about obstacles standing in the way of DCT growth, and how the pandemic has altered the clinical trial landscape for all stakeholders.

“We want to help break the barrier and encourage meaningful adoption of decentralized trials where appropriate.”

— Craig Lipset, Co-convener, Decentralized Trials & Research Alliance (DTRA)

Learn more about DTRA and its work to promote the adoption of DCTs >

“[DCTs] bring research closer to the patient population that we want to serve, and does so in a manner in which it’s simplified, it’s straightforward, and our patients understand what they’re part of and how they’re making a difference.”

— Leigh Burgess, CEO & President, High Road Strategy

Learn how DCTs can improve trial diversity, speed study start-up, and perhaps stem the “one and done” phenomenon for some Principal Investigators.

“When people hear decentralized trials, they hear moving away from the center or moving away from what we’ve always done. When what we mean as an industry is making trials more convenient… more appropriate for patients.”

— Sans Thakur, Chief Growth Officer, Medable

Learn how DCTs can elevate sites and how savvy ones can leverage new tools and technology to improve efficiency.

“More than 70% of the [American] population lives more than two hours away from a research site…The burden is a bigger obstacle for many rural and minority groups because it can be more difficult for them to take time off from work to devote adequate time to a trial. Decreasing that burden should help [close] the disparity.”

— Dr. Pamela Tenaerts, Chief Scientific Officer, Medable

Learn more about how DCTs can improve patient diversity >

Nearly Half of Surveyed Stakeholders Already Use Remote Monitoring for DCTs

“Forty-four percent of recently surveyed pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and clinical research professionals have already adopted remote patient monitoring for decentralized clinical trials or have plans to within the next 12 months, according to survey results from VivaLNK.”

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Two Questions and Five Suggestions Before You Begin Implementing Decentralized Trials

“Identifying the urgent issues to be addressed to increase the likelihood of a successful project starts with thoughtful discussion…and this will only expand our ability to move forward for the betterment of clinical research.”

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Looming Changes Could Catch Clinical Trial Professionals Off Guard

“If I were a clinical research coordinator, I’d keep my ear to the ground from a career perspective…while technology and other forces suggest there might be fewer sties needed to perform trials in the coming years, that doesn’t necessarily mean there will be fewer professional opportunities.”

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FDA Puts Spotlight on Decentralized Clinical Trials

Decentralized clinical trials offer opportunities to optimize efficiencies in clinical trials, a number of U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officials, including Dr. Isaac R. Rodriguez-Chavez, have said at recent public conferences.

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Happening in Your Community

“Hi ACRP community. I am very interested in chatting with my fellow professionals who have worked with either a home health agency and/or phlebotomy service who has performed study visits in the subject’s home. I’m curious how your experience was and if you’d like to chat with me about it. I am not conducting research just asking my professional colleagues how the DCT are practically being conducted and how they’re going.”

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