The Association of Clinical Research Professionals
Webinar Update
An open-access recording of the webinar, Crack the Code: A Comparison of ICH E6(R2) and ICH E6(R3), is available in our Guidelines and Regulations Resource Center.
Introduction to Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCTs)
Gain the foundational knowledge clinical research professionals need to implement digital health components in clinical trials.
This self-paced course introduces the concept of Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCTs) before exploring common DCT approaches, the advantages and challenges of DCT implementation, and tools and considerations for implementing decentralized components in clinical trials.
Upon completion of this training program, participants should be able to:
Explain DCT and how it applies to the future of clinical research.
Demonstrate the most-common types of DCT approaches.
Examine the advantages and challenges of DCT implementation.
Analyze factors of consideration for incorporating DCT in clinical trials.
Understand DCT tools and their possible implementation.
This course helps clinical researchers of all types build competency in Clinical Trial Operations (GCPs), Data Management and Informatics, Study and Site Management, and Scientific Concepts and Research Design. Explore Competencies >
Decentralized Clinical Trials: Perspectives for Clinical Research Professionals
This white paper assesses the significant implications of how decentralized clinical trials (DCTs) leverage digital technologies to interact remotely with trial participants.
In the DCT Journey, Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining >
This recorded webinar explores some of the advantages and takeaways learned from the introduction, implementation, and adoption of DCTs. Panelists discuss how they operationalized some of these key takeaways in areas of budgets, contract language, remote monitoring practices, virtual visits, and more.