Thought leaders from across the clinical research spectrum came together last week to share insights, predictions, and best practices regarding leadership and other important topics during the latest round of Virtual ACRP 2020 sessions.
When searching for new talent, Kathy Vandebelt, global head of clinical innovation at the Oracle Health Sciences Global Business Unit, suggested looking for people with skillsets and styles different from your own. “It’s good to hire opposites of you, [in part to promote] diversity and bring in new perspectives,” she said.
“Being a good leader is about making a commitment to lifelong learning,” said Jennifer Byrne, CEO at Javara Research.
Turning to the topic of networking, Jeanne Hecht, CEO at ORA Inc., stressed the importance of “interacting with everyone” for current and fledgling leaders. Reach out “beyond your direct reports” to get a better handle on how your company operates, and so that everyone is aware of one another if promotions or other opportunities appear on the horizon, Hecht said. “Be a sponge, be curious,” she added.
Hecht is also a big fan of prepping well before meetings, and “asking three questions before making a statement” in larger company gatherings.
Patty Leuchen, founder and CEO of The Avoca Group, reminded attendees to seek out mentors to help them shore up their own skillset. Good mentors can guide you on a number of levels, she suggested, including helping to improve your communication style and get a better handle on what motivates the people around you to perform at their best.
The Virtual ACRP 2020, Part II conference sessions continue September 17 with a look at advances in trial technologies and predictions for the future of the clinical research enterprise.
Author: Michael Causey