The Association of Clinical Research Professionals

Call for Proposals

Presenting at the ACRP Annual Conference—the premier education and networking event for clinical research professionals—is a unique opportunity to share and discuss effective practices, case studies, and practical tips and expertise with more than 1,400 researchers, influencers, and decision-makers in the industry.

Call for Proposals

The Association of Clinical Research Professionals (ACRP) invites members of the clinical research community to submit a proposal for ACRP 2026, Friday, April 24 – Monday, April 27, 2026, at the Hyatt Regency Orlando, Orlando, FL.

Proposals are sought for one-hour sessions (lecture and panel discussions), two-hour deep dive panel discussions, and five-to-eight-minute educational poster sessions that help build the following core competencies:

  • Clinical Trial Operations / Good Clinical Practice
  • Study & Site Management
  • Clinical Trial Design
  • Medicines Development & Regulations
  • Scientific Concepts & Research Design
  • Ethical & Participant Safety Considerations
  • Communication & Teamwork
  • Leadership & Professionalism
  • Data Management, Informatics & Tech

Also encouraged: advanced topics around industry trends, the impact of clinical research technologies, clinical trials of the future, process improvement and more.

Proposals will be reviewed and graded according to the above alignment as well as whether the topic and description is accurate, well written and provides a design that encourages interaction (polling, discussion, activities) and multiple perspectives within the clinical research industry.

The ACRP 2026 Call for Proposals will open on April 1, 2025. Please note, you must create an ACRP account before submitting your session proposal. You do not need to be an ACRP member to create an account or submit an ACRP 2025 proposal. There is no cost to submit a proposal.

The ACRP 2026 Call for Proposals Guide. This comprehensive handbook contains all the background and details needed to successfully submit a proposal. There is a Sample Submission Form that you can use to organize your thoughts for the online application. All applications MUST be submitted electronically in order to be considered for ACRP 2026. PDF forms will not be accepted.

The timeline for the ACRP 2026 Call for Proposals is April 1 – June 16, 2025. Please stay tuned for more details as we get closer to the date.