Navigating a Career as a Clinical Research Professional: Where to Begin?
Those seeking an initial career in clinical research often ask how they can “get a start” in the field. Some clinical research professionals may not have heard about clinical research careers until they landed that first job. Individuals sometimes report that they have entered the field “accidentally” and were not previously prepared. Those trying to enter the clinical research field lament that it is hard to “get your foot in the door,” even for entry-level jobs and even if you have clinical research education. An understanding of how individuals enter the field can be beneficial to newcomers who are targeting clinical research as a future career path, including those novices who are in an academic program for clinical research professionals. Keep Reading >
‘The Careers Issue’ from ACRP’s Clinical Researcher
Each year the clinical research industry’s flagship journal Clinical Researcher dedicates its editorial content to career development issues. Check out the following issues for more career advice and guidance: