The Association of Clinical Research Professionals

ACRP Fellowship

About ACRP Fellowship

Fellowship is a mark of distinction and leadership. ACRP recognizes individuals who have made substantial contributions to the association and the clinical research industry. Fellowship will be suitable for only a select number of clinical research professionals who are recognized as global leaders.

Fellows are inducted annually and given the designation “FACRP.”

View the Current ACRP Fellows >

Am I Eligible to Become a Fellow?

ACRP Members in good standing are eligible to apply for Fellowship when the following application requirements are met:

  1. Held ACRP membership* in good standing for the previous consecutive five years prior to submitting an application for Fellowship status.
  2. Demonstrated evidence of active participation with the Association of Clinical Research Professionals.
  3. Demonstrated evidence of significant contributions to the field of clinical research.
  4. Paid the application fee of $150. You will be billed for this fee after you have submitted your application. (This application fee is in addition to your annual membership dues.)

*Student members are not eligible


Each calendar year, new Fellows will be conferred the FACRP status upon review by the Fellows Advisory Panel and approval by the ACRP Board of Trustees. Once conferred, the fellow status is a lifetime recognition, and ACRP Fellows will receive the following benefits and recognition:

  • Use of the letters FACRP after their name
  • Opportunity to participate in quarterly virtual networking calls
  • Invitation to contribute to ACRP thought leadership programs
  • Acknowledgement in ACRP digital publications
  • Fellows luncheon during the ACRP Annual Conference
  • Name listing on the ACRP website

Applying for Fellowship


View Application as PDF

While applications are accepted year-round, those submitted by August 15 will be considered for the Fellowship Class for the following year.

Important—The application consists of three sections:

  • Section A – ACRP Certification and Continuing Education
  • Section B – Contributions to ACRP
  • Section C – Contributions to the Field of Clinical Research

In addition, you are asked to complete a personal statement question and upload personal and professional reference letters as well as your CV/resume.

Each section of the application requires a minimum point value. In addition, applicants must achieve a total of at least 100 points across all three sections to be considered by the Fellows Advisory Panel. You are asked to sum your points in each section. This scoring calculator spreadsheet is provided as a companion resource to the application to help you calculate your points. This document is optional, but encouraged by the Fellows Advisory Panel to ease your application process and ensure the accuracy of your scoring. If you use the spreadsheet while completing your application, please submit it with your application.

Note: You must submit the necessary documentation to verify your responses in Sections B and C. You will not earn points for items without supporting documentation.

Please review the application instructions and follow them carefully. Inaccurate or incomplete applications will not be reviewed by the Panel. The form allows you to save your work and continue it later if you are unable to complete it all in one sitting. Only applications fully submitted by August 15 will be considered for the next year’s class. After receipt of your submission, you will be invoiced the $150 application fee and will have two weeks to submit payment.

The Fellows Advisory Panel reviews each application. Each applicant must receive a majority of votes of the Panel to be approved. A slate of candidates is then submitted to the Association Board of Trustees for final approval.

View a Guide to Completion and Organization of the Fellowship Application prepared by the Fellowship Advisory Panel.

Learn more about getting started on becoming an ACRP Fellow in this video (please note, the video may take a few moments to load).


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About the Fellows Advisory Panel