An open-access recording of the webinar, Crack the Code: A Comparison of ICH E6(R2) and ICH E6(R3), is available in our Guidelines and Regulations Resource Center.
Watch NowBelow you’ll find a list of questions we get asked most frequently — whether about membership, certification, or learning — we’ve got you covered.
Why do I need an ACRP account?
Anyone wishing to participate in our learning or certification programs, attend any in person or live events, must first have an ACRP account to purchase and/or register. Creating an account is free.
If I have a membership with ACRP, do I need to create another account?
No, during the ACRP membership join process an account is automatically created.
How do I create an ACRP account?
I want to be added to your mailing list. I want to edit my preferences regarding the mailing list.
Anyone who would like to receive our promotional mailing and emails must have an account. Members have an account once they join and can access their profile to edit their mailing preferences. Nonmembers can create a free account (this is not a membership) and can edit their preferences the same way.
What are the benefits of membership? And the cost?
All membership details can be found on the membership page.
Can I take advantage of ACRP’s programs and services if I am not a member?
Yes, we do have a nonmember rate for most offerings. Nonmembers can create a free account (this is not a membership) and can edit their preferences the same way. However, the lower member rate for these same products helps pay for your membership in the long run.
I am a business; can I purchase memberships for my employees in bulk?
We offer Organizational Membership and many other programs and services for companies. See all the details on the employer resources page.
What are local chapters of ACRP?
Full details can be found on the local chapters page.
Are membership dues refundable?
Membership dues are non-refundable. Consideration will be given if the following qualifying conditions are met by the requesting individual: a) Individual Membership was purchased within 60 days of date of refund request; and b) Individual requesting a refund of previously paid membership dues is currently enrolled through an Organization Membership. Exceptions: If the individual requesting refund meets condition b and was enrolled in automatic payments at time of purchase.
What is required during the application process?
ACRP requires your CV or resume. Ensure that your full work history related to clinical research is listed. You must also attest to having earned 3,000 hours of experience in the areas outlined in the detailed content outline. The rest of the application asks you to enter contact information and answer a few demographic questions.
I want to take the exam, but I don’t have the experience; what are my options?
ACRP does not have a pathway to certification without work experience currently. Check out ACRP’s Getting Started in Clinical Research page on the Careers section of the ACRP website for guidance, recommendations, and resources.
I am a foreign medical graduate with experience working in clinical research outside of the U.S.; can I register?
Yes! Experience earned outside of the U.S. qualifies if it can be verified by ACRP; there is no degree requirement to sit for the exam.
How are the exams scored?
One point is issued per correct answer. Incorrect answers do not impact a candidate’s score. The candidate’s raw score is converted to a scaled score ranging from 200-800 with 600 being the pass point. Check out the Academy’s Annual Report for more information.
Once I submit and pay for my application fee, when can I schedule my exam?
The application process takes up to 10 business days, but most candidates receive their eligibility email (needed to book your test appointment) within 5 business days.
How can I take my exam?
ACRP offers two testing options through our testing partner, PSI: remote testing and in-person testing at a test center.
How long is the exam?
The exam is 3 hours long. You must complete your exam within the 3-hour window. Any unanswered questions will be marked as incorrect.
How many questions are on the exam?
The exam contains 125 questions, but candidates are scored only on 100 of those. The remaining 25 are pre-test questions being evaluated for future use on ACRP’s Certification exams. These pre-test questions are randomly dispersed throughout the exam, non-identifiable, and cannot be skipped.
What types of questions can I expect?
The exam includes recall questions, which require you to rely on your memory and knowledge to answer information (definitions and basic concepts). There are also scenario-based questions that present hypothetical situations, requiring higher-level thinking such as analysis, application, and decision-making.
Are there multiple-choice questions on the exam?
Yes, ACRP’s Certification exams consist of multiple-choice questions only. You must select the single best option based on the examination reference material.
What is considered a passing score?
Candidates must achieve a scaled score of 600 or higher to pass the exam. ACRP recommends reviewing the 2023 annual report for more information on candidate performance and scoring.
Which ICH Guidelines are referenced on the exam?
The exam references the following ICH Guidelines:
When will the exam reflect ICH E6 (R3)?
Once changes are approved, ACRP will initiate the process to update the exam. Due to exam testing cycles, this could take 6-9 months.
Are there any questions that reference the FDA or other regulatory authorities?
No. The exam is only referenced to the ICH Guidelines mentioned above and the exam’s detailed content outline.
Will I know if I got a question right or wrong?
No, but you will receive a score report with proficiency indicators in each domain.
Will I know if I passed or failed immediately after completing the exam?
Yes. You will receive a pass or fail notice on screen after completing your exam. PSI, our testing partner, will also email your score report within 24 hours.
Do I need hands-on experience in the areas outlined in the detailed content outline?
No. You need experience in the topics listed, but it does not have to be hands-on.
If I choose the remote testing option, can I use my work computer?
No, you cannot use your company-issued computer under any circumstance. Not only will the security settings not allow the remote testing software to work properly, but most companies do not allow third-party software to be downloaded to their devices. You must use a personal computer to take the remote examination.
What if I don’t have a personal computer?
ACRP offers testing worldwide at over 1,500 testing centers.
Can I use the bathroom during my exam?
Only those who choose to test at a secure test center can take bathroom breaks, providing they submit a Request for Breaks form for pre-approval. The timer will not stop during the break. Candidates taking the exam remotely cannot leave the camera view under any circumstances, and therefore cannot use the bathroom during their exam.
I may need special accommodation for my exam. How can I request one?
During the application process, note your need for accommodation in the Special Accommodation Request field. ACRP will send you a request form that must be completed by you and a licensed physician. Allow up to 4 weeks for ACRP and its testing partner to set up your accommodation.
How long should I take to prepare for the exam?
Preparation times vary based on your readiness. We recommend taking 3 to six weeks to review the preparation and reference materials before taking the exam.
How do I assess my readiness?
Use ACRP’s GAP Analysis Tool to identify your areas of concern. Reviewing the detailed content outline and highlighting any areas of concern will also help you determine how much time you need for preparation.
What happens if I fail?
Refer to your ACRP Certification Examination Results email or the ACRP Certification Handbook for guidance on the next steps in your certification journey.
How do I sign up for a retest?
You can register to retest during ACRP’s next available testing window, 24 hours after your initial test date. If the Certification is required for your employment and you would like to test in the same testing window, then a written appeal must be sent to
How do I access the schedule?
Once your application is approved, you can access your approved testing window dates, times, and locations. If you want to see test center locations before submitting your application, you can do so online, but you won’t see available testing dates until your application is approved. Click here to explore available testing center locations in your area.
Now that I’ve passed my exam, what’s next?
Congratulations! Now that you’re officially ACRP Certified, you’ll want to focus the next 2 years on earning the appropriate continuing education to maintain your
How can my certification be verified?
ACRP offers several validation tools. From the ACRP website, anyone can search for you in our directory of credentialed professionals. ACRP also offers digital badges, which can be used to promote your achievement and validate your certification award and expiration date.
Do you have any tips for candidates?
Now that I’ve passed my exam, what’s next?
Congratulations! Now that you’re officially ACRP Certified, you’ll want to focus the next 2 years on earning the appropriate continuing education to maintain your certification.
Do I have to retake the exam every two years?
No. Retesting every 2 years to earn 24 points is an option but not required. Most ACRP Certified professionals choose to take continuing education courses throughout their renewal period to meet the criteria.
How do I start my Maintenance Renewal?
We strongly encourage you to thoroughly review the Maintenance of Certification Handbook. This document includes full details about recertifying. Also, we have put together a four minute video on Maintaining Your Certification which explains step by step the process of submitting your (24) contact hours and renewal payment online.
How do I report Contact Hours?
We’ve made this four-minute video explaining the process.
How do I delete or edit an entry (activity) from my contact hours history?
Contact ACRP Support with the name and date of the activity that needs to be edited or deleted from your contact hours history.
I have submitted all 24 contact hours, but don’t see the Submit Maintenance Fee button to make my renewal payment online.
The submit maintenance fee button will appear 90 days before your deadline date, but only after you have entered the 24 activity points. Activity point requirements vary based on the certification program.
What are the maintenance requirements?
How do I access my Maintenance Dashboard?
To access your Maintenance Dashboard, go to My Account, My Profile, and then choose the Certification button at the top of the screen. Then, click on the Activity Points Requirement tab for a full view of your Maintenance Dashboard.
How far in advance can I submit my maintenance application?
You can log your activity points at any time, but you cannot complete your submission or pay your maintenance fee until approximately 90 days before the deadline date.
Do I need to submit documentation when I manually self-report my contact hours?
No. You only self-report (enter) your contact hour activities. We only ask for documentation if you are randomly selected for an audit.
I have manually self-reported an activity, but don’t know why it doesn’t appear in my contact hours history?
You must check your Certification Maintenance Start Date. If the activity is before the start date, the system will not auto approve it and will not be listed. You must enter your activities from the start date up until the expiration date for the system to approve all your activities (contact hours).
How can I get free contact hours?
Volunteering with ACRP can earn you free contact hours. ACRP also offers contact hours through continuing involvement activities – CCRA, CCRC, ACRP-CP and CPI specific details.
I don’t see my organization’s logo. This is for members whose ACRP account is supplied by their employer.
First, make sure you are in the LMS ACRP Learning Environment, as you won’t see your organization’s logo on the ACRP website, only in the LMS. You can login directly to the LMS here:, or through and click on the ‘My ACRP Learning Environment” button in the profile page. If you don’t see the logo at the top of your LMS dashboard – reach out to our Customer Care team via Contact Us, so we can align you to your organization’s tenant.
I completed a course but didn’t receive the certificate.
If you did not receive your certificate after completing a course, you’ll first want to ensure that you completed every part of the course. For example, an eLearning may have an assessment that is separate from the eLearning module, you will find the assessment in another tile titled ‘Take Assessment’. You will have to take the eLearning module, take the assessment, submit your feedback for the course, and then you will receive the certificate. Every course of ours requires feedback, without the feedback – you won’t receive a certificate. If you’re sure that you’ve done every part of the course and still don’t see a certificate – please reach out to our Customer Care team via Contact Us.
I received a certificate but it has an old completion date.
If you see an old completion date on your certificate, this usually means that you’ve taken the course in the past – on that date. You can only take a course once for credit and a certificate of completion. You can take the course again for review and your transcript will show you completed but the system will not generate a new certificate. A listing of all completed courses and certificates you received are tracked in your ACRP Learning Environment.
What is Credly and why do I receive emails from them?
Credly is ACRP’s digital badging partner. New ACRP Members and ACRP Certified Professionals will receive an email from Credly ( alerting them that they’ve been issued a digital badge recognizing their status as an ACRP Member or ACRP Certified Professional. Learn more about your digital badge here.