Direct Access

ICH E6(R3) – Permission to examine, analyze, and verify records that are important to the evaluation of a clinical trial and may be performed in person or remotely. Any party (e.g., domestic and foreign regulatory authorities, sponsor’s monitors and auditors) with direct access should take reasonable precautions within the constraints of the applicable regulatory requirement(s) to maintain the confidentiality of participants’ identities and their data and sponsor’s proprietary information.

CDISC-Gloss – Permission to examine, analyze, verify, and reproduce any records and reports that are important to evaluation of a clinical trial. NOTE: The party (e.g., domestic and foreign regulatory authorities, sponsor’s monitors and auditors) with direct access should take all reasonable precautions within the constraints of the applicable regulatory requirement(s) to maintain the confidentiality of subjects’ identities and sponsor’s proprietary information. [ICH E6 Glossary]